This service is for adults and children. The vaccine is given by injection into the upper arm or upper leg. A course of two separate doses is usually required and for children under 2 years, a booster is required after one year. This vaccination is a private service, not paid for by the NHS. Before your Pharmacist can give the Meningitis B vaccine an assessment questionnaire needs to be completed.
Meningitis is an infection around the brain, which is often serious and sometimes fatal. Typically, meningococcal disease is most common in babies and children under five, with a second peak in adolescence. There are different types of Meningitis Bacteria, called strains. For decades, the Meningitis B strain has been the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in the UK. Vaccines are the only way to prevent meningitis and have almost eliminated some other kinds of meningitis in the UK. Bexsero is an inactivated vaccine, which means it does not contain living bacteria. The vaccine protects against infection, but cannot cause meningitis.